Bugbytes #28 – Wireshark over SSH, Pwning New Relic & Filter Fun with @zseano
By Intigriti
July 23, 2019
Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community. The first series are curated by Mariem, better known as PentesterLand. Every week, she keeps us updated with a comprehensive list of all write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources we should not have missed.
This issue covers the week from 12 to 19 of July.
Our favorite 5 hacking items
1. Tutorial of the week
This is a short how-to for using Wireshark over SSH. It’ll be really handy if your main host is Windows, and you are using a Linux VPS for tests.
The steps described will allow you to run Wireshark locally, and use it to analyze traffic captured on the remote Linux server (even if you don’t have a GUI on the latter!).
2. Writeup of the week
What a fun bug! @samwcyo bought a Tesla, tried to hack it, didn’t find anything, cracked his windshield, then accidentally triggered a blind XSS when he wanted to report the accident.
My takeaways are:
– Put blind XSS payloads everywhere
– Own a Tesla one day
– Then damage it intentionally to find new bugs
3. Video of the week
@zseano walks us through why all XSSes are not low hanging fruits, and how he proceeds to find edge cases by bypassing filters.
If you want to stop trying random payloads grabbed from the Internet and learn how to manually find interesting XSSes like a pro, this is the video to watch!
Also, it’s a good idea to focus on one bug at a time. That’s what @zseano and @nahamsec did and recommend.
4. Conference of the week
SteelCon 2019, especially:
– SteelCon 2019: Hunting Sh\*T Up: Red Teaming With A Bug Hunter’s Mindset – Andy Gill
– TLS 1.3 For Penetration Testers
– WordPress Isn’t A Security Dumpster Fire, Fight Me!
These talks go to my top list of things to watch really soon. Especially the one by Andy Gill because it’s about three aspects of offensive security in which I’m very interested: Pentesting, Bug bounty and Red teaming.
Applying a bug hunter’s mindset to pentest and red teaming can only be a good idea: bug hunting pushes you to automate as much as you can, go for the most impactful bugs and PoCs, work fast by using report templates, use/create the best tools… But many tools used for Web security today were created by bug hunters and aren’t known by many pentesters.
So I can’t wait to learn Andy’s take on this subject, and learn about TLS 1.3 and WordPress security.
5. Non technical item of the week
Web Application Penetration Testing: Minimum Checklist Based on the OWASP Testing Guide
This article is aimed at QA specialists. But I think it’s also a good read for beginner pentesters who don’t have the time to go trough the whole OWASP Testing Guide and need a quick summary.
Not that I don’t encourage reading the whole thing (on the contrary!). But it can be overwhelming when you’re just starting out.
The cheatsheet is useful to use during tests or as a basis for your own customized cheatsheet. I love how each test is accompanied with a concise comment that’s like the most important thing that you need to know about that test.
Other amazing things we stumbled upon this week
@nahamsec stream: Bug bounty basics, Automation, Recon, Q&A & Stream 2
Post Exploitation With Windows Credentials Editor (WCE) – Dump Windows Password Hashes
SwigCast Ep. 3: ‘This is not something that you ask for random advice on at a cocktail party’
Risky Business #548 — Zoom RCE details and all the week’s news
Smashing Security 137: Porn trolling lawyers, Insta hacking, and Ctrl-Alt-LED
Hacking cars, getting arrested and a career in cybersecurity
Security In Five Episode 538 – Facebook Hit With A $5 Billion Fine, It Won’t Change Anything
Paul’s Security Weekly #612 – Topic Segment: Security Roundtable, MITRE ATT&CK: Katie Nickels, MITRE & Security News: July 18, 2019
Webinars & Webcasts
Global AppSec Tel Aviv 2019, especially:
OISF 2019 Videos, especially:
Hack in, Cash out – Hacking and Securing Payment Technologies – OWASP London (40m15s)
Medium to advanced
Delegating Like a Boss: Abusing Kerberos Delegation in Active Directory
GPO Abuse: “You can’t see me”: How to create a backdoor through GPO to remain hidden in Active Directory
Beginners corner
Challenge writeups
Pentest writeups
Responsible(ish) disclosure writeups
Attacking SSL VPN – Part 1: PreAuth RCE on Palo Alto GlobalProtect, with Uber as Case Study!
Symantec Mobile Threat: Attackers Can Manipulate Your WhatsApp and Telegram Media Files
Bug bounty writeups
Race condition on Facebook (Instagram) ($30,000)
CSRF on Facebook ($3,000)
IDOR, SSRF, Information disclosure & CORS misconfiguration ($9,000)
MiTM on Slack ($500)
Logic flaw on Uber ($1,500)
Authorization flaw on GitLab ($1,000)
RCE / Browser extension flaw on Grammarly & PoC ($1,500)
RCE on GitLab ($12,000)
See more writeups on The list of bug bounty writeups.
If you don’t have time
GitGot& Introduction: Semi-automated, feedback-driven tool to rapidly search through troves of public data on GitHub for sensitive secrets
Git-Scrapers: Collect OSINT from git repositories
Entro.py: Tool that recursively searches directories for files containing strings with high shannon entropy (by @healthyoutlet) & How to reduce false positives
More tools, if you have time
git-ls: List (or plunder) private repos/gists to which a token has access, including those of other users
Git-hound: Find exposed keys across GitHub using code search keywords. Git Hound is a pattern-matching, batch-catching secret snatcher.
jLoot: JIRA Secure Attachment Looter
RacePWN (Race Condition framework) & Introduction: Race Condition framework
XSpear: Powerfull XSS Scanning and Parameter Analysis tool&gem
RedGhost: Linux post exploitation framework designed to assist red teams in gaining persistence, reconnaissance and leaving no trace
Very Complete Management (VCM): A small script to automate project folder management and basic tool output
ReportingTool: PHP Laravel Based Pentesting Report Writing Tool
Kali-ptf: A Kali container with custom set of tools installed
Revssl: A simple script that automates generation of OpenSSL reverse shells
Find-LOLBAS & Introduction: Simple powershell script to find living off land binaries and scripts on a system
Vulnrep: Java tool that collects vulnerabilities (from vulners.com and/or wpvulndb.com) for defined keywords generates an HTML report
Misc. pentest & bug bounty resources
Trufflehog.json: High signal patterns from trufflehog refactored to work with tomnomnom’s gf
Cloud Security Alliance Releases Cloud Penetration Testing Playbook
OWASP cheat sheet series project (new website)
APIsecurity.io Issue 40: Vulnerabilities in Instagram, 7-Eleven, Zipato
Bug bounty & Pentest news
Tell @naffy what you’d like to hear him explain / cover in Live streams
Real-World Bug Hunting: A Field Guide to Web Hacking, Peter Yaworski @yaworsk’s new book is out
Burp Suite Pro/Community 2.1.01 released, with support for WebSockets in Burp Repeater & Here’s how to use Burp Repeater with WebSockets
Kali NetHunter App Store, a new Android store dedicated to free security apps
Live Hacking Events: Stats, invitations, and what’s next & @luketucker answering live hacking questions on Twitter
Bigger Rewards for Security Bugs: Google is tripling the maximum baseline reward amount from $5,000 to $15,000 and doubling the maximum reward amount for high quality reports from $15,000 to $30,000
Equifax launches a vulnerability disclosure policy, the first major credit reporting agency to do so
Researchers Easily Trick Cylance’s AI-Based Antivirus Into Thinking Malware Is ‘Goodware’
WhatsApp, Telegram had security flaws that let hackers change what you see
Breaches & Attacks
New EvilGnome Backdoor Spies on Linux Users, Steals Their Files
Firmware Bugs Plague Server Supply Chain, 7 Vendors Impacted
Massive Malvertising Campaign Reaches 100M Ads, Manipulates Supply Chain
Microsoft warns 10,000 customers they’re targeted by nation-sponsored hackers
Russia’s Kaspersky Lab Finds Says Notorious ‘FinSpy’ Malware Can Read Secret Chats
Other news
‘My job application was withdrawn by someone pretending to be me’
Security Watch: Elon Musk’s NeuraLink Links Brains to iPhones via Bluetooth
Non technical
Burnout Prevention and Treatment – Techniques for Dealing with Overwhelming Stress
Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder: “I was good at making others’ code stop running very early on.”
Tweeted this week
We created a collection of our favorite pentest & bug bounty related tweets shared this past week. You’re welcome to read them directly on Twitter: Tweets from 07/12/2019 to 07/19/2019
Curated by Pentester Land & Sponsored by IntigritiDisclaimer:
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the curators and do not necessarily reflect the position of intigriti.
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