Bug Bytes #169 – Psychic signatures, Pwning Cloudflare, Z-winK University & The Bug Hunter’s Methodology for App Analysis
By Anna Hammond
May 11, 2022
Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community. The first series is curated by Mariem, better known as PentesterLand. Every week, she keeps us up to date with a comprehensive list of write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources.
This issue covers the weeks from April 18 to May 9.
Intigriti news
Bug bounty platform Intigriti offers new hourly payment option for vulnerability researchers
Intigriti secures more than €21M in Series B funding
Our favorite 5 hacking items
1. Resource of the week
You probably know about @hacker_‘s fantastic hacker stories on Twitter, but did you know he also has a newsletter, a blog and a Discord
In the newsletter, you’ll find the same kind of cool stories, tips and tricks. @Jhaddix is also contributing to it.
The blog has many older writeups, a Threads section that embeds all of @hacker_’s Twitter threads, and a roadmap if you want to Learn to Hack Web Apps.
2. Writeups of the week
Security issues with cloudflare/odoh-server-go and the ODoH RFC draft
Cloudflare Pages, part 1: The fellowship of the secret, Part 2: The two privescs, Part 3: The return of the secrets & Cloudflare advisory
@fransrosen researched ODoH (Oblivious DNS Over HTTPS) and found a lack of protections against SSRF in the ODoH RFC draft and in Cloudflare’s implementation, odoh-server-go.
@seanyeoh and @devec0 also hacked Cloudflare, but focused on Cloudflare Pages’s CI/CD build pipeline.
They found a host of issues including command injection, container escape, Bash path injection and information disclosure.
3. Videos of the week
Z-winK University (ZU)
Diving Deeper into Subdomain Takeovers & Mitigations with Shubham Shah
@_zwink started a Youtube channel to teach how to hack and get into bug bounty, starting with the basics. The only prerequisite is to have a computer with an Internet connection.
Even if not new to hacking, I’d keep an eye on his Twitter and Youtube accounts as he shares a lot of tips and tackles more and more advanced technical topics.
Another fantastic video is a deep dive into subdomain takeover by @infosec_au. If you are interested in the topic, you might want to watch this to learn not only about different types of subdomain takeovers, but also how to mitigate them.
4. Conference of the week
NahamCon2022, Web challenges walkthrough & Slides for:
– Finding 0days in Enterprise Software
– Effectively finding vulnerabilities in web applications by debugging the source code
– The Bug Hunters Methodology Application Analysis v1
This NahamCon edition was so-o-o good! I’d recommend watching all the talks, but if you are more into black-box Web testing, start with @Jhaddix‘s first edition of the The Bug Hunter’s Methodology: Application Analysis.
If you read all the cool writeups @assetnote have been publishing lately and wonder how they do it, start with @infosec_au‘s talk on finding 0days in enterprise software, or @seanyeoh and @devec0‘s talk on hacking CI systems.
Also, if you played the CTF, you might be interested in the video walkthrough where @gregxsunday solves all the Web challenges.
5. Vulnerabilities of the week
CVE-2022-21449: Psychic Signatures in Java, A few clarifications about CVE-2022-21449, PoC by @jfrog, Lab by @datadoghq & Lab by @SecCodeWarrior
CVE-2022-1388: F5 iControl REST Endpoint Authentication Bypass, @Horizon3Attack analysis & PoC, Rapid7 analysis, @bishopfox’s BIG-IP Scanner
@neilmaddog discovered a bypass in Java’s implementation of ECDSA signature validation. It made it possible to forge certificates and credentials, breaking JWTs, SAML, etc. Just like Doctor Who’s “psychic paper”, in the world of crypto.
The other vulnerability everyone is talking about is CVE-2022-1388. It is an authentication bypass in F5 iControl REST, that is reminiscent of the research on Abusing HTTP hop-by-hop request headers. The impact is RCE with a single unauthenticated POST request.
Other amazing things we stumbled upon this week
ToolTime – Cloud Recon 1, SSL Certificate Parsers for Recon & FeroxBuster Content Discovery
facts: Bug Bounty hunters has made ridiculous amounts of $$ from known DNS techniques..
How I became a SANS Instructor & an Offensive Cyber Security Expert {RedTeamer} | Jean-Francois Maes
Podcasts & Audio
Hacken Podcast: getting into security with @hacker_ & AMA with Ahsan Khan
Cybersecurity Web Podcast #2 – John Hammond & #1 – Graham Helton
Skeleton’s in the closet and other tales from beyond the grave – HYS London 2022 & Slides
Mark Dowd- Keynote -How Do You Actually Find Bugs? (Part of OffensiveCon22)
Ethical Hacker: Hiring & Getting Hired, Keynote, Hack @ the Harbor, Point3 Security
Medium to advanced
Beginners corner
Challenge writeups
HackTheBox – Unicode & [Blog post],(https://0xdf.gitlab.io/2022/05/07/htb-unicode.html)
4 hackers, one XSS challenge! Solution to April ’22 XSS Challenge & Blog post by the challenge’s author
Pentest writeups
Anatomy Of A Zero Day – How To Decrypt….a Robot? #CodeReview
Responsible(ish) disclosure writeups
CVE-2022-29464: RCE via unrestricted file upload in WSO2 products, Rapid7 analysis, Nuclei template & Metasploit module
Microsoft finds new elevation of privilege Linux vulnerability, Nimbuspwn, Rapid7 analysis & Nimbuspwn detector by @jfrog
CVE-2022-22954: RCE via Freemarker SSTI in VMware Workspace ONE Access and Identity Manager & Metasploit module
TLStorm 2 – NanoSSL TLS library misuse leads to vulnerabilities in common switches
Bug bounty writeups
Wiz Research discovers “ExtraReplica”— a cross-account database vulnerability in Azure PostgreSQL (Microsoft)
The $16,000 Dev Mistake ($16,000)
Encrypting our way to SSRF in VMWare Workspace One UEM (CVE-2021-22054) (VMware)
See more writeups on The list of bug bounty writeups.
hakoriginfinder & Intro: Tool for discovering the origin host behind a reverse proxy. Useful for bypassing WAFs and other reverse proxies
burpsuite-project-file-parser: A Burp Suite Extension for parsing Project Files from the CLI
np: A Go tool to parse multiple Nmap scans
str-replace: Simple tools to handle string and generate subdomain permutations
MITM_Intercept: A little bit less hackish way to intercept and modify non-HTTP protocols through Burp & others
CDNStrip: Striping CDN IPs from a list of IP Addresses
Tips & Tweets
In Java, two entirely different URLs may be considered equal
@Jhaddix on Trademark and copyright recon, Relying too much on automation, The Medical Alert Hack & The 100 Million Person Data Disclosure
See more tips on this week’s Twitter collection.
Misc. pentest & bug bounty resources
Authenticating with certificates when PKINIT is not supported & Bypassing LDAP Channel Binding with StartTLS
Bug bounty & Pentest news
Bug bounty
pyscript (aka Python inside HTML) announced at PyCon US 2022 & Example of PyScript XSS vector
Upcoming events
Levelup0x08: Hack another day (May 21)
Introducing LevelUpX – Resources For The Community By The Community (Every other week, first talk on May 20)
Free Workshop: Hacking JavaScript Desktop apps with XSS and RCE
Tool updates
Non technical
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